Sunday, January 21, 2007


Before a crowd of about half a million people, mostly wearing black, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in a pale gray suit and flanked by several dignitaries, stands up expressionless. She is about to be sworn in by Chief Justice Hilario Davide into the highest office of the land. In between the two of them, one administering the oath and the other taking it, is a little girl holding the Holy Bible.

That was January 20, 2002, the so-called EDSA 2.


Though the oath was made in front of a big horde, it was really a pledge before God. It was also the beginning of her reign as President. The oath is mandatory.

Now the simple questions: Has GMA fulfilled her pledge before God? Has she faithfully and conscientiously fulfilled her duties? Has she preserved and defended our Constitution? Has she done justice to every man? Has she consecrated herself to the service of the nation?

ON CONSCIENTIOUSLY FULFILLING HER DUTIES AS PRESIDENT. She promised not to run for President. She lied. In order to secure victory during the presidential election she cheated by appointing a master manipulator in the COMELEC and thereafter, rigged the results.

ON PRESERVING AND DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION. GMA was identified to have spearheaded the People’s Initiative, declared by the Supreme Court as the grand deception of our people. Despite her denials, her manipulative hands were seen to have pulled the strings on her majority puppets in Congress who tried to railroad the charter change in the Lower House. And now, her compliant cabal is orchestrating the return of the infamous People’s Initiative dubbed as P.I. II.

ON THE SERVICE OF THE NATION. GMA, under cover of darkness, surreptitiously took away from his cell in Makati City Jail convicted rapist Lance Corporal Daniel Smith and transferred him into the custody of another country. She declared a State of Emergency amidst dissention against her. She suspended local leaders posturing to run against her minions but spared corrupt leaders close to her like Chavit Singson.

ON DOING JUSTICE TO EVERY MAN. In her hands, our country has become one of the sickest in Asia. We have also become a country of impunity with more than 800 summary executions during her stint.

After six years, we have yet to see GMA fulfill her oath before God. On second thought, GMA for all we know may be adoring another god - a god with an illimitable greed for power like her.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My dear Rona,

Our animated discussion last night at VIP Hotel in between your Board Meeting and our Toastmaster’s Educational Session has egged me to write you this open letter. It’s amusing to hear you explain how running into public office came into mind after Butch Canoy was referred to by this paper as the son of Reuben Canoy.

But I was deeply disturbed by how you see things happening in our local politics. The ideals of good governance and the idealism that you have nurtured deep inside still appears ardently aflame. Yes, you want to push for a higher level of politics.

The stark realities appear to point in a different direction. But as you said, if you present yourself and show them true leadership, then losing or winning in the electoral race becomes an irrelevant issue. Of utmost importance is that you have shown everyone a better option.

Winning a seat in the City Hall or in the Halls of Congress, however, is done by the old crop of politicians at all costs. In doing so, the electoral process becomes so sullenly soiled by dirty tricks and in the end, we are left with undesirable leaders.

In Bobby Balinado’s perception, “politicians at present are looked upon with so much disdain.”

Here are my observations on how the political game is played. First, you need money. Oodles and oodles of money. Sacks of small currencies like 20’s and 50’s for the mo­ñedors. Watchers. Purok Leaders. Campaign staff. Transport. Campaign materials. Radio and TV ads. Mobilization expenses for nightly sorties. And finally, more money for those who want their votes to be bought like a cheap commodity.

You would also need an organizational structure, which is referred to as the “machinery.” It is designed to reach the last voter in the community. In fact, it would best serve you if you organize in small patches, showing them your platform of government and the direction to where you will lead our city.

However, some of the politicians have organized the vast masses, especially those in poverty stricken areas, through brainwashing sessions and cultist rituals. The leader then would be presented as a benevolent patron who would redeem them from their sorry state. That way, those unlettered would start revering their cult leader as a demigod. To complete the “machinery”, there is a need for a candidate to align himself or herself with National Group for added resources.

To spice up the campaign, there will be a need to hire entertainers if only to easily mobilize the crowd.

In the end, our election has become a carnival and no longer a decent exercise of choosing an intelligent and sincere person like you into office.

Most of our politicians regard politics as a business endeavor. They measure the amount they need to spend to buy votes, to finance the teachers and to bribe the COMELEC in order to bag their desired position. But beforehand, they have already measured the amount of taxes that the City Hall would be able to collect. They then put into their minds that the money they would be able to stash from our coffers from all the transactions and other dirty deals is a return of their “investments.”

It is of no wonder why Dongkoy declared that he will spend all the money to be collected by the City Hall before leaving his post. He will also leave us with billions of debts from Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP).

You may then ask, what about the issues on inefficiency, corruption and other illegal activities that have been done by those leaders who want to be re-elected? These are merely side issues and they do not really count. Our government has apparently no political will to punish our corrupt leaders except if they are on the other side of fence.

So where do we go now?

We still fight Rona. We present ourselves and maybe one day not far from today, our children will not blame us for complacency, decadence and apathy.

I hope these thoughts will somehow guide you in your new journey as you confront the ugly face of politics.

Sincerely yours,


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


No Siree! There can never be a CLEAN and SAFE coal-fired power plant anywhere in the world and our coal-fired power plant is no exception. The paid TV ads amounting to several million pesos in ABS-CBN of STEAG Coal-Fired Power Plant in Villanueva, Misamis Oriental is misleading. Not only that it is misleading, it is also deceitful and cleverly designed as a deodorizer.

The phrase “clean and safe coal-fired power plant” is contradictory in terms, a foul smelling oxymoron.

In the recent issue of Sierra, a magazine distributed to Sierra Club members, a worldwide group of environmentalists, it declared that, “Despite the industry’s hype, there’s no such thing as clean coal (power plant)”.

In the United States alone, though coal-fired power plants generate more than half of the electricity and about 22% of the energy produced, it contributes to the 36% of the over-all release of carbon dioxide, the main culprit in global warming. How could that ever be clean?

The article entitled “Can Coal Be Clean?” authored by Marilyn Berlin Snell in Sierra also stated that coal-fired power plant in the United States contributes to twenty-four thousand (24,000) premature deaths a year. How could that ever be safe?

The TV ads of STEAG also claims EFFICIENCY, but it did not show us how. It’s a despicably barren claim. If STEAG shows us that they are operating in an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), then we might be convinced of its efficiency.

In such a system, “crushed coal is mixed with oxygen and water in high-pressure gasifier to make ‘syngas”, a combustible fuel that produces extremely low emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and particulates. In contrast to the pulverized-coal technologies, the IGCC method uses less water, generates less solid waste, and can concentrate carbon dioxide emissions, making carbon dioxide easier to capture and store”.

Apparently, the STEAG plant in Villanueva is not among the IGCC power plants. Moreover, I have not heard of any claims from STEAG officers that they are in the process of “carbon dioxide capture and storage”, a system where the plant would find ways “to corral the carbon dioxide emitted by the coal industry, transport it, and ‘sequester’ it deep in the ocean, underground coal seams, or saline reservoirs”.

This process would drastically reduce the carbon emissions but would necessarily raise the cost of coal power. Thus, this leads us to the challenge posed by Task Force Macajalar Spokeperson, Bencyrus Ellorin.

After a long conversation with Banker-Economist, Sixto Roxas, they came up with the big challenge to the owner-operator of Coal-Fired Power Plant to secure the lives and limbs of the residents of the nearby places, including the environment by securing an insurance policy from a reputable insurance company like the Lloyds of London.

With such procurement of insurance policy, the community will be assured that STEAG is really looking at their welfare. Besides, STEAG has been boasting that it is spending Thirty Million Pesos in community development projects if only to appease the community that it is really taking care of them and the environment. With a reputable insurance company assessing future risk, people’s health and the ecology and thereafter, paying the premium, the community will lay assure that they are in good hands. Yet, I doubt if STEAG will readily stand up to the challenge.

Nevertheless, it is about time for our government especially those who kowtow with STEAG to start studying the taxing system for coal-fired power plants. Coal burning for energy generation imposes severe health and environmental costs that are not factored into the cost of producing electricity.

Government may well subsidize for such social costs. This had already been done in Norway and Sweden. The European Union, including Germany, is actually debating about the taxing system involving fossil-fuels, among them, coal.

STEAG State Power Inc. President Andreas Rubin may be partly right when he said, “We may not be able to change the world with this project but at least we can make a difference in the lives of the people who live near us”. But the change will surely be for the worse and the change in the world would be for the worsening of global warming.

The glaring fact remains that a coal-fired power plant can never be clean, safe and could hardly be efficient. It will only happen, according to Sierra, “when pigs fly”. In tagalog, “Pagputi ng uwak!”