The Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking (JMSU), has been concluded as a multilateral agreement, albeit without the consent of Congress, between our country, China and Vietnam. It has since raised questions that involve international relations. Has our sovereignty been breached? What will happen if we abrogate the agreement, will China go to war against us? If we insist on holding on to Spratlys, will we in the end be under the subjugation of China, the fast rising hegemon in Asia?
As a country, we have long been under the control of other colonizers. For more than a hundred years, we have been influenced by the United States of America, also known to us (depends on where you stand) as the benevolent Uncle Sam or a fierce bald eagle that has snatched us with its talons.
In high school some thirty years ago, so many questions had bothered me involving the U.S. We have treated the U.S. as a big brother who allegedly fought with us toe to toe during the Second World War. So we defeated Japan but why is Japan more prosperous now? We revere Gen. McArthur for returning to our country after he chickened out in Corregidor. Did McArthur really love us when history would reveal that the first person he killed is a Filipino Guerilla, a patriot for us during the Filipino-American War? Why did my lola tell me that the Americans during the war were so cruel, killing all the animals including dogs and cats on their island in order to starve the inhabitants and leaving every town with so much stench of the decaying carcass? Isn’t the U.S. our benefactor who even taught us how to read and write in their own language?
The reality has revealed itself. The Philippines is such a small, poor country that we were bullied by bigger countries and we could do nothing about it. The Americans never cared. They wanted us as a “punch” in Asia, a launching pad for their bombs against China and Vietnam during the cold war. Its domination makes us a sure market for their “stateside” products and a cheap source of labor for their multinational corporations.
Yet, these days another story is taking place. The hegemony of China over Asia has now become a stark reality while the power of the U.S. has plummeted together with its dollars. As they say – “God made the Earth but all the rest are made in China”.
Now, the question is, if we have the option, with whom do we side, China or the United States?
The U.S. has taken so much advantage of us and its vestiges of exploitation have indelibly remained not only in our surroundings but in our veins. It has raped our economy and their soldiers have literally feasted on the flesh of our women.
But look at China. It has for so long slowly crept into our country’s economy and social life. Its people have dominated our institutions, including businesses and even politics. Once considered outcasts in our country, now the Chinese have become part of us and our families have intermarriages with Chinamen and women.
Mainland China has opened trade relations with us despite our open exchange and negotiations with Taiwan. Yet, either in trading, such as the ZTE deal, or in an international agreement, our administration does not seem to know its way.
At the time when we have started setting a favorable atmosphere for diplomatic relations with China involving our resources, our President, the lucky bitch, had to bungle it. She ignored protocols and undermined the powers of Congress.
Nevertheless, in the bigger picture, the choice of which side to take does not rest on us. It is the more powerful country that decides. But my bet is on China, which may be symbolized by a panda bear. It is better to hug a bear than to always be in the claws of a lousy bald eagle.
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